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Dra. Conchita Martín

Especialista en ortodoncia y estética dental

La Doctora Martín forma parte del equipo de Odontología de la Clínica Sanzmar, es licenciada en Odontología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde se doctoró hace más de 20 años. Su dedicación por la excelencia la llevó a obtener el título de Preceptor o Máster en Ortodoncia por la University of California en Los Ángeles.

Compagina su trayectoria profesional con las clases en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, como profesora y Vicedecana de Investigación y su labor como revisora en diferentes publicaciones científicas. 

Con su combinación de excelencia clínica y académica, laDra. Martín garantiza un cuidado dental de la más alta calidad para nuestros pacientes que nos visitan en Clinica dental Sanzamar ubicada en Madrid. 


  • Licenciada en Odontología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) en 1992.
  • Máster en Ortodoncia por la UCM en 1992-95.
  • Preceptor en Ortodoncia en la University of California, Los Ángeles (UCLA).
  • Doctora en Odontología por la UCM en 1999.
  • Máster en Metodología de la Investigación: «Diseño y Estadística en Ciencias de la Salud» por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en 1997-2000.
  • Alarcón J.A., Martín C., Palma J.C. Effect of unilateral posterior crossbite on the electromyographic activity of human masticatory muscles. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2000; 118 (3):328-334.
  • Martín C., Alarcón J.A., Palma J.C. Kinesiographic study of the mandible in young patients with unilateral posterior crossbite. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2000; 118(5):541-548.
  • Morillo J.M., Lau L., Sanz M., Herrera D., Martín C., Silva A. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction based on single copy gene sequence for detection of periodontal pathogens. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2004; 31(12):1054-1060.
  • Lau L., Sanz M., Herrera D., Morillo J.M., Martín C., Silva A. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction versus culture: A comparison between two methods for the detection and quantification of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2004; 31(12):1061-1069.
  • Cacho A., Martin C. Kinesiographic and sonographic changes in young Class II patients treated with functional appliances. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2007; 131(2):196-201.
  • Martín C., Casado I., Pérez-Miguelsanz J., López Y., Maldonado E., Maestro C., Paradas I., Martínez-Sanz E., González I., Martínez-Álvarez C. Effect of butyl benzyl phthalate on early postnatal mortality in rats. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods. 2008; 18(9):759-762.
  • Alarcón J.A., Martín C., Palma J.C., Menéndez-Nuñez M. Activity of jaw muscles in unilateral cross-bite without mandibular shift. Archives of Oral Biology. 2009; 54(2):108-114.
  • Murillo J., Maldonado E., Barrio M.C., Del Río A., López Y., Martínez-Sanz E., González I., Martín C, Casado I., Martínez-Álvarez C. Interactions between TGF-N21 and TGF-N23 and their role in medial edge epithelium cell death and palatal fusion in vitro. Differentiation. 2009; 77(2):209-220.
  • Sanz M., Lorenzo R., Aranda J.J., Martín C., Orsini M. Clinical evaluation of a new collagen matrix (MucograftB. prototype) to enhance the width of keratinized tissue in patients with fixed prosthetic restorations: A randomized prospective clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2009; 36(10):868-876.
  • Rodrigo D., Aracil L., Martín C., Sanz M. Diagnosis of implant stability and its impact on implant survival: A prospective case series study. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2010; 21(3):255-261.
  • Martínez-Sanz E., Casado-Gómez I., Martín C., López-Gordillo Y., González P., Rodríguez-Bobada C., Paradas I., González-Meli B., Maldonado E., Maestro C., Prados J.C., Martínez-Álvarez C. A new technique for feeding dogs with a congenital cleft palate for surgical research. Laboratory Animals2011; 45(2):70-80.
  • Dalessandri D., Bracco P., Paganelli C., Hernandez Soler V., Martin C. Ex vivo measurement reliability using two different cbct scanners for orthodontic purposes. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2012; 8(2):230-242.
  • Vignoletti F., Matesanz P., Rodrigo D., Figuero E., Martin C., Sanz M. Surgical protocols for ridge preservation after tooth extraction. A systematic review. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2012; 23 Suppl.5:22-38.
  • Sanz I., Garcia-Gargallo M., Herrera D., Martin C., Figuero E., Sanz M. Surgical protocols for early implant placement in post-extraction sockets: A systematic review. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2012; 23 Suppl.5:67-79.
  • Lorenzo R., García V., Orsini M., Martín C., Sanz M. Clinical efficacy of a xenogeneic collagen matrix in augmenting keratinized mucosa around implants: A randomized controlled prospective clinical trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2012; 23(3):316-324.
  • Marín C., Palma J.C., Alamán J.M., Lopez-Quiñones J.M., Alarcón J.A. Longitudinal evaluation of sEMG of masticatory muscles and kinematics of mandible changes in children treated for unilateral cross-bite. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2012; 22(4):620-628.
  • Rodrigo D., Martin C., Sanz M. Biological complications and peri-implant clinical and radiographic changes at immediately placed dental implants. A prospective 5-year cohort study. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2012; 23(10):1224-1231.
  • Lenguas L., Alarcón J.-A., Venancio F., Kassem M., Martín C. Surface electromyographic evaluation of jaw muscles in children with unilateral crossbite and lateral shift in the early mixed dentition. Sexual dimorphism. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal. 2012 Nov 1; 17(6):e1096-102.
  • Barbieri G., Solano P., Alarcón J.A., Vernal R., Rios-Lugo J., Sanz M., Martín C. Biochemical markers of bone metabolism in gingival crevicular fluid during early orthodontic tooth movement. Angle Orthodontist. 2013; 83(1):63-69.
  • Figuero E, Carrillo-de-Albornoz A, Martín C, Tobías A, Herrera D. Effect of pregnancy on gingival inflammation in systemically healthy women: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2013 May; 40(5):457-73.
  • Cuevas M.J., Cacho A., Alarcón J.A., Martín C. Longitudinal evaluation of jaw muscle activity and mandibular kinematics in young patients with Class II malocclusion treated with the Teuscher activator. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal. 2013 May 1; 18(3):e497-504.
  • Alarcón J.A., Linde D., Barbieri G., Solano P., Caba O., Rios-Lugo M.J., Sanz M., Martin C. Calcitonin gingival crevicular fluid levels and pain discomfort during early orthodontic tooth movement in young patients. Archives of Oral Biology. 2013; 56(6):590-595.
  • Santa Cruz I., Herrera D., Martin C., Herrero A., Sanz M. Association between periodontal status and pre-term and/or low-birth weight in Spain: Clinical and microbiological parameters. Journal of Periodontal Research. 2013; 48(4):443-451.
  • Yanine N., Araya I., Brignardello-Petersen R., Carrasco-Labra A., González A., Preciado A., Villanueva J., Sanz M., Martín C. Effects of probiotics in periodontal diseases: A systematic review. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2013; 17(7):1627-1634.
  • Dalessandri D., Migliorati M., Rubiano R., Visconti L., Contardo L., Di Lenarda R., Martín C. Reliability of a novel CBCT-based 3D classification system for maxillary canine impactions in orthodontics: The KPG index. The Scientific World Journal. 2013 Oct 9;2013:921234.
  • Paradas-Lara I., Casado-Gómez I., Martín C., Martínez-Sanz E., López-Gordillo Y., González P., RodrC-guez-Bobada C., Chamorro M., Arias P., Maldonado E., Ortega R., Berenguer B., Martínez-Álvarez C. Maxillary growth in a congenital cleft palate canine model for surgical research. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 2014;42(1):13-21.
  • Dalessandri D., Migliorati M., Visconti L., Contardo L., Kau C.H., Martín C. KPG index versus OPG measurements: A comparison between 3D and 2D methods in predicting treatment duration and difficulty level for patients with impacted maxillary canines. BioMed Research International. 2014:2014:537620.
  • Venancio F., Alarcon J.A., Lenguas L., Kassem M., Martín C. Mandibular kinematic changes after unilateral cross-bite with lateral shift correction. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2014 Oct;41(10):723-9.
  • Ríos-Lugo M.-J., Martin C., Alarcón J.-A., Esquifno A., Barbieri G., Solano P., Sanz M. Optimization of buffer solutions to analyze infammatory cytokines in gingival crevicular fuid by multiplex fow cytometry. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal. 2015 Ene 1;20(1):e13-e16
  • Fuentes A.D., Miralles R., Santander H., Gutiérrez M.F., Bull R., Martín C. Effect of natural mediotrusive contact on electromyographic activity of jaw and cervical muscles during chewing. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2015;73(8):626-32.
  • Serrano J., Escribano M., Roldán S., Martín C., Herrera D. Efficacy of adjunctive anti-plaque chemical agents in managing gingivitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2015 Apr:42 Suppl 16:S106-38.
  • Polak D., Martín C., Sanz-Sánchez I., Beyth N., Shapira L. Are anti-inflammatory agents effective in treating gingivitis as solo or adjunct therapies? A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2015 Apr:42 Suppl 16:S139-51.
  • Alarcón J.A., Requena M.A., Delgado A.C., González E., MartC-n C. Association between changes in soft and hard tissue after early chin cup treatment. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics. 2015 May;76(3):225-39.
  • Sala L., Carrillo-De-Albornoz A., Martín C., Bascones-Martínez A. Factors involved in the spectrophotometric measurement of soft tissue: A clinical study of interrater and intrarater reliability. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 2015 Jun;113(6):558-64.
  • Cacho A., Ono T., Kuboki T., Martín C. Changes in joint space dimension after the correction of Class II division 1 malocclusion. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2015 Oct;37(5):467-73.
  • Serrano J., Escribano M., Roldán S., Martín C., Herrera D., Spivakovsky S., Keenan A. The effect of anti-plaque agents on gingivitis. Evidence-Based Dentistry. 2015 Apr:42 Suppl 16:S106-38.
  • Fuentes A.D., Martín C., Bull R., Santander H., GutiC)rrez M.F., Miralles R. Natural mediotrusive contact: does it affect the masticatory and neck EMG activity during tooth grinding?. Cranio – Journal of Craniomandibular Practice. 2016 Jul;34(4):227-33.
  • Escribano M., Figuero E., Martín C., Tobías A., Serrano J., Roldán S., Herrera D. Efficacy of adjunctive anti-plaque chemical agents: a systematic review and network meta-analyses of the Turesky modification of the Quigley and Hein plaque index. Journal of Clinical Periodontology.  2016 Dec;43(12):1059-1073.
  • Sanz-Sánchez I., Oteo-Calatayud J., Serrano J., Martín C., Herrera D. Changes in plaque and gingivitis levels after tooth bleaching: A systematic review. International Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2019 May;17(2):117-129.
  • Papageorgiou S.N., Antonoglou G.N., Martín C., Eliades T. Methods, transparency and reporting of clinical trials in orthodontics and periodontics. Journal of Orthodontics. 2019 Jun;46(2):101-109.
  • Figuero E., Herrera D., Tobías A., Serrano J., Roldán S., Escribano M., Martín C. Efficacy of adjunctive anti-plaque chemical agents in managing gingivitis: A systematic review and network meta-analyses. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2019 Jul;46(7):723-739.
  • Teughels W., Feres M., Oud V., Martín C., Matesanz P., Herrera D. Adjunctive effect of systemic antimicrobials in periodontitis therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2020 Jul:47 Suppl 22:257-281.
  • Herrera D., Matesanz P., Martín C., Oud V., Feres M., Teughels W. Adjunctive effect of locally delivered antimicrobials in periodontitis therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2020 Jul:47 Suppl 22:239-256.
  • Figuero E., Roldán S., Serrano J., Escribano M., Martín C., Preshaw P.M. Efficacy of adjunctive therapies in patients with gingival inflammation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2020 Jul:47 Suppl 22:125-143.
  • Polak D., Wilensky A., Antonoglou G.N., Shapira L., Goldstein M., Martín C. The efficacy of pocket elimination/reduction compared to access flap surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2020 Jul:47 Suppl 22:303-319.
  • de Frutos-Valle L., Martín C., Alarcón J.A., Palma-FernC!ndez J.C., Ortega R., Iglesias-Linares A. Novel sub-clustering of class iii skeletal malocclusion phenotypes in a southern european population based on proportional measurements. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020 Sep 22;9(9):3048.
  • Pinho M., Manso M.C., Almeida R.F., Martín C., Carvalho Ó., Henriques B., Silva F., Ferreira A.P., Souza J.C.M. Bond strength of metallic or ceramic orthodontic brackets to enamel, acrylic, or porcelain surfaces. Materials. 2020 Nov 17;13(22):5197.
  • de Frutos-Valle L., Martin C., Alarcón J.A., Palma-Fernández J.C., Ortega R., Iglesias-Linares A. Sub-clustering in skeletal class III malocclusion phenotypes via principal component analysis in a southern European population. Scientific Reports. 2020 Oct 21;10(1):17882.
  • Jepsen K., Tietmann C., Kutschera E., Wüllenweber P., Jäger A., Cardaropoli D., Gaveglio L., Sanz Sanchez I., Martín C., Fimmers R., Jepsen S. The effect of timing of orthodontic therapy on the outcomes of regenerative periodontal surgery in patients with stage IV periodontitis: A multicenter randomized trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2021 Oct;48(10):1282-1292.
  • Yanine N., Sabelle N., Vergara-GC!rate V., Salazar J., Araya-Cabello I., Carrasco-Labra A., Martin C., Villanueva J. Effect of antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing infectious complications following impacted Mandibular third molar surgery. A randomized controlled trial. Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal. 2021 Nov 1;26(6):e703-e710.
  • Tejedor N., Martín C., Alarcón J.A., Oteo-Calatayud M.D., Palma-Fernández J.C. Sexual dimorphism in the long-term stability (10 years) of skeletal Class III treatment. Progress in Orthodontics. 2021 Jun 21;22(1):13.
  • Madero E.M., Montarelo J.G., Aguayo G.S., Martín C. Comparison between Digital Casts and Cone Beam Computed Tomography for Measuring Maxillary Transverse Dimensions in Patients with Impacted Canines. Children. 2022 Feb 17;9(2):278.
  • Martín C., Celis B., Ambrosio N., Bollain J., Antonoglou G.N., Figuero E. Effect of orthodontic therapy in periodontitis and non-periodontitis patients: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology.  2022 Jun:49 Suppl 24:72-101.
  • Nogal-Coloma A., Yeste-Ojeda F., Rivero-Lesmes J.C., Martín C. Predictability of Maxillary Dentoalveolar Expansion Using Clear Aligners in Different Types of Crossbites. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2023;13(5):2963.
  • García-Gil M., AlarcCón J.A., Cacho A., Yañez-Vico R., Palma-Fernández J.C., Martín C. Association between Eruption Sequence of Posterior Teeth, Dental Crowding, Arch Dimensions, Incisor Inclination, and Skeletal Growth Pattern. Children. 2023 Apr 1;10(4):674.
  • Pérez Idarraga A., Yeste Ojeda F., Virto Ruiz L., Lacasa Litner M., Cacho Casado A., Martín C. Randomized clinical trial on the effect of intermittent vibrational force application during orthodontic treatment with aligners on RANKL and OPG concentrations in crevicular fluid. Bioengineering and Translational Medicine. 2023 Apr 1;8(3):e10491.
  • Sanz M., Carrillo de Albornoz A., Martín C., Needleman I., Tonetti M.S. Multi-stakeholder contribution to the identification of a core outcome set and measurements in implant dentistry (ID-COSM initiative) using the Delphi methodology Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2023 May:50 Suppl 25:107-121.
  • Sanz M., Carrillo de Albornoz A., Martín C., Needleman I., Tonetti M.S. Multi-stakeholder contribution to the identification of a core outcome set and measurements in implant dentistry (ID-COSM initiative) using the Delphi methodology. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2023 May:34 Suppl 25:108-120.
  • Martín C., Littlewood S.J., Millett D.T., Doubleday B., Bearn D., Worthington H.V., Limones A. Retention procedures for stabilising tooth position after treatment with orthodontic braces. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.  2023 May 22;5(5):CD002283.
  • López-Valverde I., Vignoletti F., Vignoletti G., Martín C., Sanz M. Long-term tooth survival and success following primary root canal treatment: a 5- to 37-year retrospective observation. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2023 Jun;27(6):3233-3244.
  • Wilensky A., Shapira L., Limones A., Martín C. The efficacy of implant surface decontamination using chemicals during surgical treatment of peri-implantitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2023 Jun:50 Suppl 26:336-358.
  • Jepsen K., Tietmann C., Martín C., Kutschera E., Jäger A., Wüllenweber P., Gaveglio L., Cardaropoli D., Sanz-Sánchez I., Fimmers R., Jepsen S. Synergy of Regenerative Periodontal Surgery and Orthodontics Improves Quality of Life of Patients with Stage IV Periodontitis: 24-Month Outcomes of a Multicenter RCT. Bioengineering. 2023 Jun 7;10(6):695.
  • Martín C., Sanz M. Orthodontic tooth movement after periodontal regeneration of intrabony defects. Korean Journal of Orthodontics. 2024 Jan 25;54(1):3-15. 
  • Martín C., Papageorgiou S.N., González-Martín O., Sanz M. Orthodontic management of uneven gingival margins in patients with healthy or reduced periodontium to improve smile aesthetics. Periodontology 2000. 2024 Oct 16. doi: 10.1111/prd.12613. 
  • Balanta-Melo J., Dallaserra M., Verdugo-Paiva F., Martín C., Villanueva J. Botulinum toxins for sleep bruxism. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2024; 2024(4):CD015010.
  • Papageorgiou S.N., Antonoglou G.N., Eliades T., Martín C., Sanz M. Orthodontic treatment of patients with severe (stage IV) periodontitis. Seminars in Orthodontics. 2024:30(2):123-134.
  • Sanz-Sánchez I., Molina A., Martín C., Bollain J., Calatrava J., Sanz M. The effect of one-time abutment placement on clinical and radiographic outcomes: A 5-year randomized clinical trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2024 Jun;35(6):609-620.
  • Calatrava J., Sanz-Sánchez I., Molina A., Bollain J., Martín C., Sanz M. Effect of one-time placement of the definitive abutment versus multiple healing abutment disconnections and reconnections during the prosthetic phase on radiographic and clinical outcomes: A 12-month randomized clinical trial. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. 2024 Oct;26(5):998-1011.
  • Profesora del Máster de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde ocupa una plaza de Profesor Contratado Doctor, impartiendo docencia también en el Grado y Postgrado de dicha Facultad.
  • Es Vicedecana de Investigación, Postgrado, Doctorado y Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCM.
  • Ocupa el puesto de vocal («director») en el Grupo de Biología Craneofacial (Craniofacial Biology) de la Asociación Internacional de Investigación Dental (IADR – International Association for Dental Research).
  • Es Revisora de las revistas científicas «American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics», «Journal of Dental Research» y «Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews».
  • Es autora de numerosas publicaciones científicas y capítulos de libros en Ortodoncia, Revisiones Sistemáticas e Innovación Docente.
  • Ocupa el puesto de Representative on the International Advisory Board of IVIDENT (International Dental School) –UDENTE, coordinado por el Centre of Flexible Learning,  King’s College London, University of London, representando los intereses de la Educación Dental en España y en el ámbito hispano-parlante.
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